Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Self-Esteem Booster

At some time or another, every single one of us feels fat. It doesn't matter if you're 6' 2", 135 lbs with negative 15% body fat. Once in a while you're going to feel overweight.

This weekend I followed up Thanksgiving dinner by eating at a buffet for the next 3 days straight. I'm pretty sure I consumed somewhere around 57,000 calories in a 4 day period. Luckily I did it while I was at a casino in Wisconsin. And let me tell you, no matter how fat I felt and how much I ate, all I had to do was look around to feel better about myself.

This is what the entire casino looked like.
Sure, I lost hundreds of dollars over the course of the weekend, but it was worth it to secretly judge people that are much, much fatter than I am. A few hundred bucks seems like a small price to pay. Plus, where else can you do that?

Other than everywhere in America, according to this chart.
As much of a self-esteem boost as the casino was, you know what would be an even bigger boost to my fragile ego? If you people would BUY MY BOOK. Seriously. I pretty much know every person that has purchased a copy so far, and chances are you aren't one of them.

There's 3 good reasons you should buy my book: 

1) It's only 99 cents.
2) It's a pretty damn good read, if I do say so myself.
3) I need sales in order to make sales. My book won't show up in other people's recommendations or "People who purchase ______ also purchased ____" type links unless I have enough sales to start popping up. So for the low, low price of 99 cents you can help my book get noticed by other potential buyers.

It's available both through the Kindle and Nook stores, and if you're reading this blog you have a device that you can read the book on. So give it a shot. And then write a review, because that helps attract more buyers, too. After all the priceless tips and information I've given you for free on this blog, it's really the least you can do.


  1. I did some checking on that Packers fan, it turns out that helmet is made of paper mached Subway sandwich receipts.
