Sunday, February 17, 2013

Blockity Block McBlock

Man, it seems like it's been weeks since I've written anything here. Oh, it actually has been weeks? Awkward.

For the three of you that actually pay any attention to this blog, I'm sure you've noticed that the last few months have brought fewer, shorter, and more sporadic posts. There's several reasons contributing to why this has happened, but I'm not going to bore you with them. What it boils down to is Writer's Block. My ideas have dried up for the moment. And that's using the word "ideas" rather liberally, as readers of the blog know all too well.

I'm not quite ready to call it quits on the blog, but to be honest it will almost for certain be a while before I start posting with any regularity again. A very tiny person is coming to live with me and the sister wives any day now, and that will probably take up a little bit of my time.

But I am planning what I think is an interesting and potentially entertaining experiment for this blog come April or May. So please, check back in occasionally. Hopefully I'll get out of this writing slump before too long.

And to help hold you over for a little while, here is an awesome image I found. No need to thank me.

Unlike that jaunty, one-shoulder, flowered cape.

See you soon!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone! It's 2013!

Wait, what? It's been 2013 for 3 weeks already? Damn, that hangover was worse than I realized.

I guess that's why Ace seems so sick of these glasses I've made him wear since New Years Eve.

Oh well. Whenever you choose to acknowledge it, Happy New Year to you!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Anybody still here?

Preferably someone made of meat?
Man, whoever runs this place sure has let it go to shit.

Much like downtown Phoenix, pictured here.
Someone should tell that guy to get off his ass and post something.