Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tac and Lono #1: Part 1

Once again, I'm way overdue for getting a post up. And also once again, I'm fresh out of ideas so I'm just going to post something old I did. I think it gives the blog a predictable, comfortable feeling that makes people feel at home. Like an old pair of sweat pants.

Like this, but a web page.
In an attempt to mix it up a little bit, I decided to post my comic book Tac and Lono for your viewing pleasure. This is a comic that I wrote and was illustrated by my former co-worker from my Half Price Book days, Dan Murphy.

This was what we were hoping would be the first issue in a series. I wrote the scripts for the first 3 issues, and Dan had done thumbnail sketches of issues #2 and #3, but things never went beyond that point. Maybe when I become rich and famous off of this blog I'll try to resurrect it.

Since this is basically just a series of fairly large images, I've decided to break it up into 2 parts. So you get the first half today, and then will have to tune in tomorrow for the conclusion. That's how you get repeat business!

I'm leaving the first page above the fold, but then you'll have to click "Read more" to go to the rest of the pages. Don't be lazy and just read the first page. Your friends will mock you if you do. And you can click on all the images themselves to embiggen them. So, you know, do that. Or something.

Holy crap! Will Tac get out of this predicament? Why the hell is a car the co-star of a comic book? Will we ever see that raccoon again, and if so will he get his own spin-off series where he live in Hawaii and solves crimes with his friend that flies a helicopter?

Tune in tomorrow to find out!

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