Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Costume Conundrum

Halloween is just over 2 weeks away. Not wanting to get stuck without a H-Dub* costume, I'm trying to plan ahead. Because Weeny** is too important of a holiday to not take seriously.

Right now I've got it narrowed down to two choices. I read an article in a local newspaper that "sexy" costumes are in***, so I thought I'd try that out. And knowing that the ladies love Disney characters, I thought this would be a good choice.****
Not sure how the Spider-Man speedo fits in, but I can roll with it.
My other thought was to go with something topical. Something that the hip youth of today's kid culture can relate to. Because I desperately want to be liked. So naturally I settled on Borat. Everyone still loves Borat, right?
Apparently including a fake moustache would have been too ridiculous.
Either that or Austin Powers. I can't imagine people getting sick of my impressions of either character.

What do you guys think? Anyone have a better costume idea? I would even consider ones that don't include my bulge showing. Although I'll be less likely to choose those.

* This is one of my totally cool slang terms for Halloween. I'm pretty sure everyone will be saying it soon.

** Or maybe this one.

*** Seriously, do a search of your local paper's archives, and I guarantee within the past 3 years they've done a story on how Halloween costumes are becoming "sexy." There's a chance they've run the same story each of the past 3 years, or longer. And it's totally not just an excuse for a local newspaper to run pictures of women dressed like slutty witches. No sir.

**** I don't actually have anything for this. I was just having too much fun with the asterisk key to stop.


  1. Isn't that second one basically what Kory wore 2 Weeny's ago?

  2. That's what Kory wore to my Groom's dinner.

  3. Oh, the above comment was me. Not sure why I was logged out

  4. It would have been funier if we didn't know it was you.
