Monday, September 19, 2011

I am an Economic Genius

I realize it's been a little longer than usual in-between posts here, and I apologize to both of you that have been patiently waiting for a new post. But there's a very good reason for the wait.

Our country - no, our world, is in an economic crisis. Considering that this is the Most Important Blog in the World* I felt it was my duty to do something about it. So I've spent the past several days focusing all 64 of my IQ points on the problem, doing hour after hour of research, looking for a solution.

As usual, by "doing research" I mean "reading a bunch of comics." Luckily, also as usual, comic books have the solution to the world's problems.

That guy doesn't look anything like David Bowie.
Don't worry. I'm not seriously suggesting we sell the planet to aliens. That's crazy talk. We just follow the main character's lead from the story itself, and pretend to sell the planet to aliens.

See, the guy in the fetching purple jumpsuit with brown cape is actually a con-artist. Or I should say, considering this is a sci-fi comic book story written in the 50s, a Space con-artist. He isn't actually selling the planet. He's just fooling those aliens into thinking he is so he can take their diamonds. Stupid aliens, when will you learn?

Of course, there's a twist (and SPOILERS for an obscure, 40 year old comic book that reprinted a story that is now almost 60 years old) The aliens were Space con-artists, too. The diamonds were actually ice. Doesn't say much for our main character's intelligence if he thought a bunch of crushed ice was actually diamonds.

But I do have to give the guy some credit, because he carried the following business card around, just in case he ever needed it.
Funny, I got a tattoo that says the exact same thing.
That is straight up ballin'.

* It's true, it says so right on the top of the page. And we all know you can't lie on the internet.


  1. C'mon, man. Don't sell yourself short. You have to be up to at least 68 or 69 IQ points. Of course, according to another reliable source, this still leaves you in the 'mild' category of mental retardation. But much closer to Borderline intellectual functioning, which is a goal worth striving for. Keep up the good work!

  2. I don't understand most of those words.
