Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Put My Book In Your NOOK

(Alternate title: I Did It All For The NOOK E-reader.)

Hey, remember how I released a book of my short stories a few months ago called Sometimes Evil Just Don't Pay? No? That makes sense, considering how the sales have been.

Although I was able to cash in my royalty check for upwards of 12 nickels.
When I originally put it up for sale, it was part of a special promotion on Amazon which meant it had to be exclusive to Amazon for at least the first 90 days. Well, those 90 days have long since passed. And considering that my first book, Lifetimes of Blood, has continued selling fairly consistently through Barnes and Noble, I figured it was about time I got my 2nd book up there.

So rejoice, NOOK havers! Sometimes Evil Just Don't Pay, my collection of 14 short stories, is now available through barnesandnoble.com! In fact, that's a link to it right up there! How considerate.

And lest you forget, Lifetimes of Blood is also available on barnesandnoble.com. The link is right here! Holy crap that's convenient!

(And just for fun, the Amazon links for the 2 books are here and here.)

As I mention every time I post about my books, and yet people still don't seem to get, you don't actually have to own a NOOK or Kindle to read the books. You can read them right on your computer through your  browser, or download free apps that allow you to read it on your ipad, phone, laptop, or any other wireless device.

Hell, about the only way you can't read them is on paper. Unless you print them out, of course. Or if you're one of the few people who bought LoB back when it was originally published. Or if you have the original publications that any of the previously published short stories appeared in. You know what, just forget this whole part.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to mention - Sometimes Evil Just Don't Pay is only $1.99! That's stupid cheap. And Lifetimes of Blood is still only 99 cents! That's stupider cheaper!

So go buy my book right now. I promise you won't regret it.

Ok, you might regret it. But I promise you I won't regret it.

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